Sunday, August 7, 2016

Pleasure and Pain

Pleasure and Pain Arise from Desire

In the world, we often find the fun fair and prosper while the righteous are frequently met with failure and pain. Why should I, too, do not adopt unfair behavior?" This is a question that often assails, "fearing God" common person.

If we examine this deeper issue, we find that the ordinary man is not a true seeker of God at all; he is "God-fearing" because he has a fear of hiding God's punishment, or social disapprobation, if deviated from accepted standards. He hopes to keep God "satisfied" so it can not afford to put snags to his worldly life, or to correct existing ones.

This request to the Lord of the Universe to pay attention to the apparent difficulties of an insignificant individual; Is it not as ridiculous as calling in a professional brick layer to build the dollhouse? In social life, it is our own duty to be diligent and proper caution; if we fail to do so and suffer accordingly, how can we expect God to intervene and fix things?

We pray to God insignificant mundane favors. Even if he was to deliver us, we must be prepared to accept both sides of the coin, including effects or pain patients that result. Imagine a "pious" thief regularly pray to God before embarking on his mission robbers may sometimes succeed ,. But if it happens to be arrested and sentenced, he should not accept the punishment, too, as his dispensation or pleasure?

Unless and until we realize that we really are, we receive peace and contentment, even if we are at the summit of success and prosperity. We should get to know our true selves and the Creator of this universe, peace and contentment true.

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