Monday, August 8, 2016



SANATANA  DHARMA  is the  life and breath of Indian culture. India that is Bharat has been acclaimed as the Deva Bhoomi. God chose to take birth as incarnation on this sacred soil. He descended on this land out of warmth and ownership of its inhabitants. 

Lord Rama and Krishna, the supreme Lords that Bharat owned were born on this land and continued certain established traditions and customs, which form the lifeline of this great nation Bharat.  Since times immemorial, Bharat has been the master of these traditions and spread the perfume of the sum and substance of these traditions around the world. 

We call this as SANATANA DHARMA,the basis of lifestyles of Indians.  The concept of Dharma is unique for India which in course of time became the way of life for several other countries like Nepal. Indians live the life following certain austerities keeping in pace with the Sanatana Dharma.

For any other religion than Vedic religion, Dharma is something anew and an emulated form of life. While Hindu religion has no specific founder nor a founding-date nor any prescribed religious book, other religions are the offshoots of contemporary times commanded or influenced by the contemporary religious thinkers or prophets. This vividly echoes the unparallel supremacy of Hindu Dharma over any other religious denomination.

I n course of time, say a couple of millenniums ago or a score of centuries, few non-vedic religions sprouted propounding their own theologies which sometimes seem to be the emulations or followers of Hindu Dharma and some others adroitly differ.  

For example, Christianity is hardly 2015 years ago come up to the screen, which cannot be quoted as either equivalent or something superior to Vedic religion. However, Christianity and Islam are, perhaps, two religions of the recent past which have become formidably stronger and richer in terms of demographic data or highly more prosperous religions of the recent past.

Since few years, the Hindu population in India is gradually diminishing while the population of non-Hindu religions is calculatedly and dangerously up scaling.  This dimension is posing dangerous threat even to the respectful existence of the native Indians. This is largely because the two religions- Christianity and Islam- being highly dominating in terms of wealth, military hardware, media-centric are supporting their bases in Hindu-states like India by heavy funding and alluring the vulnerable sections of the India society. 

As a result, they are trying to transgress the decent boundaries of religious propagation and resorting to CONVERSIONS on large scale. Perhaps, it is no exaggeration that there is hardly any Mandal or township in India which is not left uninfected by these religious conversions.

In this connection, it must be said that the Governments at the Centre and the States have been pampering these two non-Hindu religions by funding the tours of the places of pilgrimage such as Mecca or Jerusalem at the cost of poor peoples’ taxes. 

This is causing a lot of distress and dissatisfaction in almost all sections of Hindu society that the Government is biased and arbitrary in meting out justice and fair play. Such biased legislations are the cause of indignation and frustration among the Hindus and Dharmacharyas as they straight go against the concept of Rule of Law. Therefore, the Dharmacharya Sadas organized at 

The Endowments Department of Andhra Pradesh in consultation and consensus with the Dharma Charyas and opion-makers of Hindu organizations proposes to launch a scheme known as DIVYA DARSANAM SCHEME  basically to contain conversions, to consolidate the Hindu Dharma and to popularize the  temple visits, because the temple as a centre of social, spiritual and Dharmic renaissance and  a common platform for the Hindu congregations.


Divya Darsanam scheme envisages the promotion of Hindu Dharma by way of facilitating spiritual tourism for the marginalized Hindu communities like Dalits, SC, ST, BC and other underprivileged communities.  

The people belonging to these vulnerable communities who have become the targets of non-Hindu religions for convenient conversions by throwing open health, education, employment, social allurements.  It is no exaggeration that evens the strong and the staunch Hindu communities such as Brahmins, Vaisyas, Kshatriyas and other highly placed communities are being converted by propaganda, social media and house-house approach.  If this trend is permitted to go viral, hardly any Hindu is left to his Sanatana Dharma.

Therefore, it is proposed to launch the DIVYA DARSHANAM SCHEME with immediate effect in the state of Andhra Pradesh to cover all Villages- urban or rural or tribal- with preference to the Dalitwadas, slums, SC &ST colonies, BC residential colonies initially and gradually stretch the reach to the unreached.

DDS works  in the following manner:
    Initially 10,000 people of the marginalized communities as mentioned above will be taken to the main temples in the state  of AP by spiritual tourism  from each District at the rate of two members  of the family. We have basically7 major temples and about 50 main temples in AP. 

At the rate of 2 members from family, we will be able to cover 5000 families from each District. Therefore, 1,30,000 Hindus i.e. 65,000 families will be taken to the temple-tour each year by the Endowments Department through HDPT or its authorized agency such as Samarasata Seva Foundation  (SSF) funded by the Government.
2.      The spiritual tour circuits are designed in such a way that each circuit will cover at least 4 main temples enroute and terminate at Tirumala-Tirupati, wherefrom they will directly return to their destination-districts. The boarding and accommodation will be provided by the  main or major temples enroute  included in the tour-circuit.
3.     At every halt at the designated temple, all services like vratam, pooja, Archana, Rahu-Ketu pooja etc will be freely arranged besides special direct Darshan and prasadam.

4.     The circuits are organized in such a way that there is no stampede or  congestion on any day and the tour is  so planned that the Darshan and Vratams etc. will be felicitously arranged  ensuring peaceful  passages to and through the temple premises.

5.     The tour package is so designed that the party will stay at a major temple enroute for night and enjoy a kind of folk art or Harikadha, spiritual discourse, Bhajan or Kolatams etc to instill love for the native arts and devotion to God. During the tour, the participants would render Bhajans and chant Hari/Govinda nama smarana. The vehicles will be fitted with DVDs to make the tourists enjoy the enlightening discourses or Samkeertans.

6.     At the terminal point of the circuit tour at Tirumala, the participants would be provided with Sree Vari Small Laddus, a God’s photo lamination, a chain with a dollar, some spiritual booklet etc as a Gift of God with a benedictory message card.

7.     The entire tour package is absolutely free of cost covering within 5 days so that the living or other economic avocations are not affected.


The entire tourists are covered under Group Insurance Scheme, premium being paid by the Department.

Medical ambulance and en route police protection and other safety norms are ensured.

People who are in the age group of 20-65 are only included in the cirucuit tours. Their medicare and personal medicines have to be their own responsibility. 

Those suffering from infectious or contagious diseases and physically disabled are not allowed.

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